Grammie, Keep Up!
It seems I’m always behind when it comes to keeping up with Miss G. To finish the day exhausted and a with a large smile is the perfect ending to another day spent with Miss G!
It seems I’m always behind when it comes to keeping up with Miss G. To finish the day exhausted and a with a large smile is the perfect ending to another day spent with Miss G!
We are watering the alfalfa for the last time this year (we hope there is rain to come soon). As the Colville River seems to have lots of “goodies” coming our way, it is necessary to clean the suction system…
It took everyone from the biggest to the smallest helping out to make the VSP Tour and lunch a success. An enormous thank you to all family and friends who helped make the day a wonderful event!
A beautiful day, two great tour stops, sizzling burgers, and a hayride was all part of the VSP Tour this past Saturday. A busload of folks arriving with eager attitudes and big appetites for a noon barbeque at Hagen Cattle…
This is what you use to transport a flat tractor tire out of the field and to the truck. The tire was repaired quickly and the tractor and rake were once again busy. We do the best we can with…
The hay is in windrows drying slowly. Funny how the hot weather disappeared after the smoke left. A few bales are in the barn and more alfalfa will be raked tomorrow with baling to follow later in the day. The…
The Voluntary Stewardship Program farm tour will be having lunch at HCH. Come and join the tour and see what your neighbors are doing to protect natural resources. We would love to see you! Call the Stevens County Conservation District at…
Winter triticale has been planted as a cover crop. It can be used for cattle forage or as a help for soil erosion in the fall and spring. How do you pronounce triticale? trit·i·ca·le \ ˌtri-tə-ˈkā-lē \ Which is your choice?
I dug these beautiful Yukon Gold spuds today. The best I have raised as a gardener. I don’t know what it is about digging potatoes, but I love to see what is buried beneath the plant. Almost feel like a…
Do cattle get a sinus infection from the smoke? Vote or leave a comment on our Facebook page. See poll…