Miss B and the Striped Kitty

This HCH ranch story is about a long-time hay customer and her wilderness pet.   Miss B didn’t even know her latest pet was dining uninvited. She was exhausted after another long day of work, made even longer with her…

Mooternity Ward

The mature cows, second calf cows, and first-calf heifers have been moved closer to the mooternity area. These girls will be on a diet of very good hay and watched closely. As they approach their due date, they will be moved…

A Life Payback

Part of ranch chores is choosing a day to bring in firewood, as mama likes her toes warm. The men are doing cow chores and I have finished the immediate inside tasks, so I head out to start the log…

Brr … Take Care of Your Animals

The temperature is dropping outside and your animals need more energy to keep warm. Increasing the quantity and quality of your hay will allow animals to stay warm, be more comfortable and not lose weight.

Under Cover Feeder

We use a feeder that runs the length of the hay barn. Here are the specifics: Concrete bottom. Steel feed panels in front. Back support of 2”x 6” boards that can be removed. Railroad ties with steel brackets to hold…

Feeling Frisky and Fine

Breakfast is complete and the dishes are piled in the sink for later attention. I dress in coveralls, ball cap, and muck boots ready to attack the ranch world and the Holstein. The Holstein must be locked up twice daily…

Eggs and a Cow Tour

How do you get eggs on a cow tour?   We took a day trip to visit Paul Portugue, who lives near Curlew, Washington. The Portugue’s have purchased several Polled Hereford Bulls from us over the years.   When we…

How to Read a Hay Test

Understanding a hay test can help make hay selection easier for you and more enjoyable for your animals. There are three main terms to know when reading a hay test.   Protein: The material necessary for body growth and making…

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