Who’s Pregnant?

We took blood samples to send to the BioTracking Lab located in Moscow, Idaho, to see who has an ET (Embryo Transfer) calf successfully implanted. The cows should be at least 35 days pregnant before pulling blood for a sample.…

Alfalfa Coming Up!

Check out these new alfalfa plants breaking through the soil. Thanks to the wonderful rain we received, new growth is coming on strong. We also planted barley seed which will be cut for hay later this summer.

Crap Job

One of the least favorite activities at HCH is picking rocks – a crap job. It seems I get an eagle eye for rocks, metal and other assorted treasures when the time comes to clean a field. I must admit that…

Fertilizer Time

We are finally able to get to some of the fields to work the soil and apply fertilizer. The first piece will have alfalfa with a cover crop of barley. We still have to be careful to avoid wet spots,…


I think the picture says it all. Life is good being a rancher.

Sunshine and Progress

How did you like those few days of glorious sunshine? It sure got HCH to thinking about fieldwork, fertilizer, equipment, and seed. Matt was busy with equipment, tractors and fence repair. We had a fellow drive his van over the…

Corn, Barley and AI

First: pick up corn at Basin City. Next: load barley seed at Connell Grain Growers. Finally: head home to AI one cow and two heifers.

Not a Lake, but Pasture

Due to the abundant rain and warmer temperatures, we seem to live near a lake now.  The extra water is the overflow from the Colville River and the downhill runoff. Our new lake is home to geese, ducks, and even…

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