Next Generation

What brings more joy than to teach the next generation your craft? Only hugs and kisses! Grampie and little Miss G are spending time bonding in the cab of an International tractor. The first button to find is the horn.…

Strawbery Jam Day

Jam and peanut butter on fresh bread, ice cream topper, biscuit heaven, waffle or pancake spread, or ??? What’s your favorite? Our small strawberry patch has yielded enough fruit for batches of yummy freezer jam. A rainy day results in…

Ultralight Guest

While checking the heifers one calm morning, I heard the drone of a motor. As I glanced up, I saw an ultralight plane making a lazy circle above my head and over a group of 22 heifers. The heifers are…

Thanks, Sis

We have beautiful iris blooming and reminding us of Lorren’s sister, Marlene. Though she is no longer with us, we have a glorious bed of multicolored blooms that make us smile and think fondly of big sister. We feel very fortunate…

The Old Girl Needs a New Shoe

The old girl needs some help. A new shoe and she’s ready for the field. Good news: It isn’t haying time yet. It happened after the field work was done. Bad news: It cost more than anticipated. Best news: I…

Who’s Pregnant?

We took blood samples to send to the BioTracking Lab located in Moscow, Idaho, to see who has an ET (Embryo Transfer) calf successfully implanted. The cows should be at least 35 days pregnant before pulling blood for a sample.…

Alfalfa Coming Up!

Check out these new alfalfa plants breaking through the soil. Thanks to the wonderful rain we received, new growth is coming on strong. We also planted barley seed which will be cut for hay later this summer.

Crap Job

One of the least favorite activities at HCH is picking rocks – a crap job. It seems I get an eagle eye for rocks, metal and other assorted treasures when the time comes to clean a field. I must admit that…

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