I’ve Been Tagged!
Lorren and I were at Beus Feedlot with other volunteers from the WCA Bull Test and Sale this past Saturday. We were putting in RFID tags in each bull’s ear. Also known as Electronic ID, EID (Electronic Identification), or RFID…
Lorren and I were at Beus Feedlot with other volunteers from the WCA Bull Test and Sale this past Saturday. We were putting in RFID tags in each bull’s ear. Also known as Electronic ID, EID (Electronic Identification), or RFID…
These are our two Polled Hereford bulls that will be in the March 2019 WCA Bull Sale. There were a total of 107 bulls delivered Saturday. It looks like a fine group that will be tested and sold next year.
I am so glad that I am not the one to go into that chilly Colville River and mess with the irrigation suction hose! I like being on the bank with my shoes on, taking pictures for the blog post.
Here is a video of our bred heifers. They will calve starting in January of 2019. Bred Heifers
We moved the wheel line out of the way so the last pasture is ready for the herd. A few nights of hard frost and fall is suddenly here. We hope to make two to three more weeks of grass…
Rancher Hagen has been cutting the corn stalks and giving the bred heifers a treat, but the girls sometimes don’t get along well. Rancher Woman Hagen has been processing apples and pumpkins this week and will also have treats to…
The barn floor is being replaced from the ground up. This side of the barn will be divided into individual calving pens. Matt is heading up this renovation and has been spending much of his time leveling, gravel hauling, beam…
It is time to pull the suction tubes and pots out of the water. The water needs to be drained from the pumps, the electricity turned off, and all the lines cleared. The suction tubes are loaded onto the trailer…
Miss G came for a visit and Grampie was recruited to find the kitties. Along the way, a pad of paper and a pen changed from large hands to small hands. The list of “Important Stuff to Do” was created.…