Minding Our Business
Have you ever noticed when the time comes to buckle down and get some serious work done, there is always someone being nosy? That is what happened this morning while setting up the irrigation pump house. The girls had to…
Have you ever noticed when the time comes to buckle down and get some serious work done, there is always someone being nosy? That is what happened this morning while setting up the irrigation pump house. The girls had to…
I took a trip to Akers Pharmacy in Chewelah and exchanged some hot air with one of my peeps the other day. Do I sound as though I can swing the current lingo? You say that I am behind the…
I still have more to do, it can’t be night yet! There is never enough time to get all the work finished in one short day. The hay is getting baled, but the bales need to be put in the…
The alfalfa, grass, and alfalfa/grass crops have been cut. Raking will begin next, followed by baling. The bales will then be transported to the barn and ready for sale. The first crop of the season is always the most difficult to…
What brings more joy than to teach the next generation your craft? Only hugs and kisses! Grampie and little Miss G are spending time bonding in the cab of an International tractor. The first button to find is the horn.…
Jam and peanut butter on fresh bread, ice cream topper, biscuit heaven, waffle or pancake spread, or ??? What’s your favorite? Our small strawberry patch has yielded enough fruit for batches of yummy freezer jam. A rainy day results in…
While checking the heifers one calm morning, I heard the drone of a motor. As I glanced up, I saw an ultralight plane making a lazy circle above my head and over a group of 22 heifers. The heifers are…
We have beautiful iris blooming and reminding us of Lorren’s sister, Marlene. Though she is no longer with us, we have a glorious bed of multicolored blooms that make us smile and think fondly of big sister. We feel very fortunate…
The old girl needs some help. A new shoe and she’s ready for the field. Good news: It isn’t haying time yet. It happened after the field work was done. Bad news: It cost more than anticipated. Best news: I…
Reid Christian has been a valuable part of our family for as long as we have owned our ranch in Chewelah. Not only is he an incredible mechanic, he is never shy about lending a hand when it comes to…